2017 CFE Board Report Comments
Following Every CFE, CPA Canada publishes the CFE Board of Examiners' report: it includes feedback on candidates' performance and commentary from the Board of Examiners.
This is a much watch strategic overview of the highlights and applicable to both CPA PEP and CFE writers.
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The objectives of the PrepFormula CFE Board of Examiners’ Report webinar are to:
- Explain the CFE process
- Assist the profession in improving candidates’ performance on the CFE
- Suggestions on how to improve performance from the Board of Examiners
- the responsibilities of the Board of Examiners
- methods used for guide-setting and marking the CFE
Presented By: Tauzer Dalal, CPA, CA, MBA, Experienced CPA Educator in charge of EY's National UFE/CFE program for 14 years, Chaired by: Mike Katsevman, CPA, CA, LPA, Course Director at PrepFormula. Mike has experience as a CPA Marker for CPA Canada, and is an alumni of EY and the Auditor General’s Office.
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