PrepFormula CPA PEP (Professional Education Program)
We focus on your technical, strategic and written weaknesses and help you pass.
One-on-one help with CPA Markers + Live Webinars/Classes Twice Each Week
Our course provides all the necessary technical, strategic and written considerations – you’ll be ready to attack the CPA Core One and Core Two Module, all four Elective area exams. This course is online based and available 24/7. Just because our course is online, doesn’t mean you’ll be working alone; a mentor can be assigned to help you discover and address existing technical, strategic and written weaknesses.
We offer the support of your own personal mentor, who is able to mark 14 cases and work with you (in person, by Skype or phone) to help provide valuable advice on how to improve your technique and suggest personalized strategies that help you pass.
Our complete Professional Accounting Prep course (Core One and Core Two Module, all four Elective area exams, and the Common Final Evaluation) provides access to hundreds of technical videos and written content across all Core and Elective technical areas in accordance with the CPA Competency Map. We then test your knowledge of the material through written practice cases and hundreds of objective format questions.
Each student starts the program with a PrepFormula mock exam evaluation
Each student starts in our program by completing a mock case exam, which we call the Test Case. We'll debrief the test case results with you and explain your unique weaknesses and strengths. You'll get a custom schedule based on the areas of weakness identified in the Test Case. You'll work with a Mentor one-to-one to improve on your weaknesses.
Our methodology is centered on a balance of strategic (e.g. time management, ranking, rating), written (e.g. sentence structure, depth, breadth, concise messaging) and technical (e.g. in-depth knowledge of technical criteria in all competency areas) weaknesses. Our technique has been effective for 89% of our 2014 CPA students.
One-to-one attention and ongoing course access until you become a CPA*
If you register in the Full Package you'll have access until you're a CPA and will get course materials + multiple choice questions + PrepFormula written mock cases, will be assigned a dedicated CPA Marker who will mark 14 Mock Exam written cases AND meet 14 times to enhance your learning experience. All dedicated trainers are qualified Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA, CA) with professional marking experience.
You will receive one-on-one attention from the time you finish all 4 modules successfully and the CFE.
You will receive indefinite access to our courses until you pass all 5 exams. All course fees are deductible for income tax purposes.
Topics Covered In Our Course (Included But Not Limited To):
Financial Reporting:
Future Income Taxes
Related Party Transactions
Foreign Currency
Non-Profit Organizations
Disposal of Long-lived assets
Non-Monetary Transactions
Asset Retirement Obligation
Employer Future Benefits
Borrowing Costs
Construction Contracts
Investment Properties
Financial Instruments
Business Combinations
Discontinued Operations and many more…
IT Controls
CAS and GAAS Standards all Incorporated
Audit Planning and Strategy
Audit Reports, Including Special Reports
Review and Compilation Engagements
Professional Ethics and Legal Liability
Assurance Services Not Specifically Addressed in the CICA Handbook
Internal Control Systems and many more…
Cash Flow Projections
Capital Investment Decisions
Business Valuations
Working Capital Management
Financing Options
Analysis of Entity’s Insurance Requirements
Personal Financial Planning
Financial Leverage and Risk Management
Financial Derivatives
Capital Markets
Discounted Cash Flows and many more…
Personal Taxation
Corporate Taxation and many more…
Management Accounting:
IT Systems
Transfer Pricing
Strategic Cost Management
Management Control Systems
Costing Systems & Budgeting
Activity Based Costing
Break Even Analyses and many more…
Governance, Strategy, Risk Management:
Risk Management
Performance Objectives
Change Management
Management by Objectives
Management Decision Models and many more...
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