Personalized One-on-One CPA PEP and CFE Prep Program.
Most Popular CPA Prep Program in Canada in 2015-2021
Trained more than 5,000 active CPAs
This is a story of how I turned my outrage towards the Canadian CPA Canada Module Prep Training industry into a passion, and realized that I would have to create my own prep program to help other students like myself pass the professional accounting exams, including the CPA Canada Module Exams and the CFE.
I embarked on a seven-year journey and absorbed everything there was to know about the CPA Prep Training Industry so I could develop a customized, modern training solution for CPA Students that focuses on the individualized needs of students.
If you would like more information about PrepFormula, or have any questions or concerns about the overall process, please feel free to email me. I would be happy to hear from you,
Mike Katsevman, CPA, CA
*Average data from past 5 years.
The CPA Professional Education Program (CPA PEP), inclusive of the 2022 CFE is the gateway to the accounting profession in Canada. After years in the Canadian CA Accounting (legacy CA) education space, I decided to pursue my passion and dream of creating a personalized yet affordable supplementary prep process.
Our goal was to level the playing field by providing access to actual markers for those who are unable to hire $100/hour CPA markers/tutors or take $3,000 Accounting Prep Programs. We’ve created top notch online prep materials and will pair you with a professional CPA Marker for a reasonable fee. Continuous access to all materials is provided until you pass!
We make your CPA PEP and CFE preparation easier and more affordable, so you can get through all of your exams and become a Chartered Professional Accountant.
Top 6 Key Things You Need to Pass the 2022 CFE the First Time:
1. Access To A Large Number Of Professionally Marked Practice Cases
Professionally Marked Cases: You really do not want to overlook this detail. Some programs and the institute may provide minimal, impersonal feedback which may often be provided too late, leading you to forget the case by the time you get your results back.
This is what you should be aware of: some prep programs and firms use a combination of in-house markers and professional markers, some of which may not have the actual institute or professional marking experience. Do you really want to work with someone who just wrote the exam, instead of a professional?
Some markers in the industry get paid for each case marked in bulk and may lack the interest in communicating your unique strengths and weaknesses to you as a student. Feedback from mass-marked marked cases may be impersonal and may lack depth or direction. We feel that it may not be appropriate for each student to write the same case at the same time – this is why we customize every student’s case based on their unique needs. We also double mark each case within a 24-48 hour time period.
PrepFormula’s prep course only uses actual professional markers specifically focus students’ needs – improving writing skills with every case written.
2. You Need Easily Accessible, Concise Technical Content and Objective Format Questions
One of the most important factors contributing to significant price variations in the Canadian Supplementary Accounting Training industry is the type and quality of technical study material. We teach live classes, twice a week - all of which is free for registered students*.
There are a few types of distribution methods for technical materials currently available in the industry. Some programs provide in-classroom lectures, coupled with typed out summaries of the Competency areas (topics), some services provide one-on-one tutoring without technical content. Tutoring services without technical content do not provide the necessary depth to any candidate required for the depth and breadth requirement of CPA PEP. Some students indicated to me that in-classroom lectures are tiring and generic.
All our affordable training materials mimic the requirements of the CPA Canada Competency Map, a document produced yearly that describes all the technical standards you are responsible for as part of the examination at each level across all competency areas.
We decided to help you test your knowledge of technical standards by creating hundreds of different objective format questions that test every possible type of question known across each competency area. By the time you see the Core 1 and Core 2 objective format questions, you would have already been exposed to every possible type of question available.
Lastly, we created hundreds of proprietary video technical materials reviewing technical material and shows every possible way that you can be tested on it. The information is available on any computer, tablet or smartphone and can be researched using a keyword search function on our system.
3. You Need To Focus On Your Unique Strengths and Weaknesses
Learning in a classroom in a classroom compared to one-on-one affects the way you absorb information. Some supplementary prep programs encourage students to exclusively attend their lecture sessions in rented classrooms (typically large lecture halls rented from universities).
According to a research study published by the American Educational Research Journal in 1972, by R. Barker Bausell, William B. Moody and F. Neil Walzl, effects of one-one-on tutoring achieved significantly greater achievement levels than classroom instruction when time, the curricula, and teacher differences were held constant.
I saw this to be a significant problem with the CPA training industry – so many programs focused on producing binders of self-study technical content without explaining the key items to focus on. This is why, we teach live classes, twice a week.
After the recent amalgamation in the Canadian Accounting industry, I wanted to make sure that PrepFormula would bridged the gap between the legacy CA, CMA and CGA streams. Each Candidate will receive one-on-one coaching/writing sessions with a professional marker. The one-on-one sessions cover writing skills, technical content and offer strategic advice on issues such as ranking, time and stress management.
4. You Need Easy, Open Access To Actual Professional Markers
One of the most frustrating things I’ve experienced when I was going through the CPA PEP exams was that during the last month before the Final Examination, I was unable to reach out to anybody who understood the pressure.
While this may seem like an insignificant detail, consider this, there are 20,000+ students going through the process and only a small group of markers who are generally unavailable due to lack of free-time. I made sure that we limited the number of students who are able to enrol in our program.
We have historically capped our enrolment to ensure that we provide top-notch service to a select number of students at a reasonable rate.
5. You Need An Efficient, Custom Study Schedule
There are two main factors that allow students to study efficiently and pass the CPA Core Modules, Electives and the CFE. The first factor is having a study schedule which includes one-on-one resources that maximize the technical/written/strategic experience covered. The second constant live classes and access to up to date, most tested materials.
To achieve an efficient and natural learning progress, the pace and content must be delivered to each student at different speeds and in different ways. This means that a generic study schedule may not cover the needs of all individual students based on unique learning styles and existing commitments. Learn one-on-one with a CPA Marker.
PrepFormula provides a customized study schedule which may change based your unique requirements to ensure all content is covered.
6. You Need Invaluable Feedback From Existing Students & Access To Mentors
Now that we’ve helped a lot of students pass the CPA PEP exams and the CFE our course is being offered again for the 7th year in a row. We offer access to students who have gone through the process using PrepFormula and passed. These students can act like mentors to anyone who feels a struggle during the process. More students currently use PrepFormula than any other CPA resource in Canada, based on website traffic - trust us to help you one-on-one and through our live classes. We've been the largest CPA program in 2015-2020.
Last Note
I truly put my heart and soul into learning everything there was to know about creating the perfect CPA PEP and implemented these findings into the design of our course.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me: mike dot katsevman at
Mike Katsevman, CPA, CA
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