Learn From Master Seducers
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“I’m sorry, I need to get going now.”
She looked at me with such sadness in her eyes. We had just met, but the feeling was hard to shake. She really, really wanted me to stay.
“No,” she muttered, “stay!”
She grabbed my hand with a grip only taught by kung-fu masters. I reconsidered my position…do I really have to go? Maybe I should just stay a little while longer and keep her company. Yesterday I didn’t know her and today this decision is tearing at my soul.
I pried her hand off of mine and assured her everything would be okay. And then I left, feeling guilty but empowered.
The crazy thing about the whole situation is that I had no romantic interest in her at all. In fact, this wasn’t even a girl, it was a little boy all of two years old. I had been seduced.
Children are masters at seduction. It makes sense, of course, since they can’t do anything for themselves. Seduction is their survival mechanism, the means by which they attain food, shelter, and protection in a world that they are not yet physically or psychologically prepared to face alone. I used to joke with my friends that God made babies so cute so you wouldn’t want to kill them when they misbehave. Somewhere deep down, kids know this all too well.
Seduction has very little to do with romance or love, and everything to do with capturing the mind of someone else to achieve your own goals. Watch young children at play. Pay attention as they interact with adults from whom they want something. The manipulation is brilliant. There’s a very common pattern most kids have down:
- They’re too damn adorable, and that compels you to approach them.
- You try to get their attention through the usual means: stuffed animals, food, and toys.
- The child acts shy at first, not sure who you are.
- You try again, calling him or her by name.
- The child starts to warm up to you, accepting whatever you give them.
- The child is now comfortable enough to start requesting things. He/she will point to get you to fetch, cry to indicate displeasure that prompts you to act, etc.
- When the child is done with you, he or she simply walks (or crawls) away, looking for someone else to fulfill their needs. You feel a sense of loss and want them to come back.
I’ve seen this same pattern play out over and over again, it’s absolutely fascinating. How can children be so good at seduction when they can barely speak? It’s actually quite simple.
Young children don’t plan their actions in advance. They are natural Buddhists, living completely in the now. All they care about is what is going to make them happy right now. They know what it is and take every step to get it. You are but a pawn in their chess game to attain what they really want. The child wants a specific outcome and you are simply the means of achieving it. He or she has no vested interest in you, making you happy, or fulfilling your needs, and they are unapologetic about that. This is what makes them so seductive: they know what they want and how to get it, and they’ll do whatever it takes with complete indifference to other people.
Even though we think of children as physically needy, psychologically they are not. It’s psychological neediness that drives people away. “I don’t want someone I need to take care of,” they’ll say. And yet, these same people will bend over backwards to make a small child stop crying. Why is that? Because it appears that the child isn’t asking to be catered to. The child is reacting in the moment to his or her displeasure. You are deciding to intervene because you don’t like the scene, but the child doesn’t need you to do anything.
There are many lessons to be learned from young children when it comes to seduction. You make yourself more seductive by being unapologetic in your pursuit of a woman. I want you and therefore I’m going to go all-out, and I really don’t care how big of a fool I make myself out to be or who I hurt as long as I get you. It may not be a way to win friends, but it is the way to seduce someone.