PrepFormula Team
We're a group of former professional CPA/CFE/PEP Module and National Centre Markers and/or Facilitators, practicing Chartered Professional Accountants and Educators who love the Canadian Accounting profession. A revolutionary step forward in the supplementary training of Accounting candidates designed for the 21st Century.
You're not a candidate number to us, you're a unique writer with unique strengths and weaknesses. We're here to help you pass the CPA PEP Module exams and the Common Final Examination (CFE).
PrepFormula is an equal opportunity employer and proudly supports and embraces diversity.
The PrepFormula Story:
PrepFormula (formally known as CAFormula) was started by a group of former professional CPA/CFE/CA/CMA/CGA markers, practicing Chartered Professional Accountants and professionals from various backgrounds (accounting/assurance/tax/finance/other). PrepFormula employees are previous CPA Canada professional markers and CPA educators who have decided to use the skills they have learned marking exams professionally to help students get through the exams.
PrepFormula's Supplementary CPA PEP (Professional Education Program) prep program is a revolutionary step forward in the training of Accounting candidates designed for the 21st century. It is comprised of a dedicated web platform which provides students with personalized training schedules, test cases, professional evaluations and a unique opportunity for individualized attention.
We do not believe in large classrooms; we also do not believe in informal or generic teaching methods. We believe that every student should be analyzed for their individual strengths and weaknesses. We are Prep Formula, and we're ready to help you pass the CPA PEP examinations or the CFE (Common Final Examination).
The PrepFormula Team:
Course Director, Training Leader, Operating Officer - Michael Katsevman, CPA, CA
Principal International Relations - Joy Roy, CPA, CGA
Assistant Course Director, International CPA Specialist - Avinesh Sundar, CPA, CA
Assistant Course Director, Marking Team Leader- Josh Benchetrit, CPA, CA
Assistant Course Director, Marking Team Leader- Alisha Todd CPA, CA
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