In Depth: Government Grants
9 March 2023, 8:00 PM
Introducing, the CPA PEP ASPE/IFRS Government Grants Review – covering the most tested Financial Reporting competency topic: Government Grants. Full Webinar + Note Package Provided.
Introducing, the CPA PEP ASPE/IFRS Government Grants Review – covering the most tested Financial Reporting competency topic: Government Grants. Full Webinar + Note Package Provided.
Are You A CPA PEP Candidate Struggling With Case Writing? Introducing the one case writing webinar you can't miss. We'll review a case, live together, and suggest best practices from real CPA Candidates. Perfect for CFE Writers struggling with how to start writing cases, or those starting in CPA ...
The Canadian Auditing Standards Review (Assurance) webinar is a simple walkthrough of the most important sections of the CASs for those who don't necessarily work in Public Accounting. Even if you don't work in Public Accounting, you CAN pass the CPA PEP Module exams.
This is a live webinar that will help with planning for anyone attempting to write the 2023 CFE in May. We'll discuss previous pass rates, schedules, cases to write and get you geared up for being ready for the 2023 CFE.
2023 CFE - Leverage the Board comments and KSFs for a successful 2023 CFE, Discuss PAR, Appeal Process
PrepFormula 5-Day CFE Review for 2022: Introductory Remarks, CFE Case Writing Debrief. A review and debrief of a CFE Mock Exam, with suggestions on how to improve, along with a comparison of submissions.
We’re here to help you get prepared for the 2022 September CFE. In these workshops, we ...
Interesting in applying the PrepFormula Computer Outlining Approach in combination with a technical ASPE/IFRS topic? See the Non-Monetary Transactions review covering an important Financial Reporting topic. Full Webinar + Note Package Provided.
Introducing, the CPA PEP ASPE/IFRS Earnings Per Share Review – covering the most tested Financial Reporting competency topic with case writing application. Full Webinar + Note Package Provided.
Enrolled in CPA PEP Core 2? Attend the Core 2 Review. This is our ability to cover all of the most tested areas in Management Accounting, Strategy and Governance, Finance, and Financial Reporting. Yes, we'll make sure we do everything to help you pass!
FINANCE: Struggling with Quants? Learn the most commonly tested Finance competency topics tested on the CPA PEP Core and Elective Modules and the CFE and the quickest way to answer them. Get better using actual cases - perfect for anyone struggling with how to do well in Finance cases.
Introducing, the CPA PEP ASPE/IFRS Lease Accounting Review – covering the most tested Financial Reporting competency topic: Revenue Recognition. Full Webinar + Note Package Provided.
Writing CPA PEP Core 1 Exam? Attend the Core 1 Review. This is our ability to cover all of the most tested areas in Financial Reporting, Audit and Assurance, Finance, and Tax. Yes, we'll make sure we do everything to help you pass on the first try. We'll also share a mock-exam case to help you ...
Are You A CPA PEP Candidate Struggling With Case Writing? Introducing the one case writing webinar you can't miss. We'll review a case, live together, and suggest best practices from real CPA Candidates. Perfect for CFE Writers struggling with how to start writing cases, or those starting in CPA ...
Are you in Capstone 1 trying to understand how to prepare? Do you want access to previous CPA Capstone 1 debriefing materials? We're here to help make you feel more prepared with best practices for Capstone 1 group work
Are You A CPA PEP Candidate Struggling With Case Writing? Introducing the one case writing webinar you can't miss. We'll review a case, live together, and suggest best practices from real CPA Candidates. Perfect for CFE Writers struggling with how to start writing cases, or those starting in CPA ...
Introducing, the CPA PEP Finance Review – 6 of the most commonly tested Finance competency topics tested on the CPA PEP Core and Elective Modules and the CFE. You’ll receive advice on how to pass the Finance components from a Corporate Finance Expert
PrepFormula 5-Day CFE Review for 2022: Introductory Remarks, CFE Case Writing Debrief. A review and debrief of a CFE Mock Exam, with suggestions on how to improve, along with a comparison of submissions.
We’re here to help you get prepared for the 2022 September CFE. In these workshops, we ...